Tuesday, 27 May 2014

The Written Word

The Little Old Lady who Broke All the Rules
By Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg

I have just finished reading this fantastic book by Swedish author Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg. I found it when I was looking around a small book shop in Grasmere. When I was younger I read 'Harry and the Wrinklies' by Alan Temperely - a fabulous book itself, albeit a child's novel - and was struck by its blurb, which was very similar.

The story features 79 year old Martha Anderson who, along with her cronies, is bored with life at her retirement home. She longs for a bit of adventure and feels that life in a prison would ultimately be better than at Diamond house, her current residency. She plots many crimes with her friends which result in some fantastic, fun-filled adventures. Some of the plots within the story are a little far fetched but I really enjoyed the read and would look in to more of Ingelman-Sundberg's novels in the future!

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